In six years

1 min readSep 10, 2021


Wait, we need to talk

something is bothering me

I think a lot about us

This is not okay

I’m not fine

I liked meeting you, really

but I need to be honest with you

I am sorry, I can’t do this

I love what I knew about you, but…

I like someone else before we start talking

I’m really sorry

In six years we will meet each other again, I hope.

In six years I don’t know if I will still be alive,

but yes… I think I can wait and meet you again

in six years.

While I waiting, I’ll put all my energy into finding a red-haired girl,

like The Little Mermaid or Lindsay Lohan haha

Sorry, that’s a joke, a good one

I found that writing in English hurts less because the words hide between what I really feel and what someone else feels while reading about it.

